Stange Traveling Companion

Forgot to mention that I was headed home from work on the 145 last week when I noticed this weird caterpillar on the seat next to me. It seemed to be trying to find its way up off of the seat via the steel post next to it but couldn't grab ahold of it. I let it crawl onto the magazine I was reading as a couple women across from me watched. They seemed kinda spooked by this fluffy, multicolored thing. Once we got to the next stop I flicked it out the window, much to their relief.

Forgot to mention that I've also seen the new G5 at the Apple Store. Case looks pretty neat, although a bit sterile. Didn't get a chance to mess with it due to the 4-5 others hunched in front of it. Noticed this morning on the way to work that they seem to have four of the machines set up for demo purposes so maybe another look is in order.


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This page contains a single entry by jim published on September 2, 2003 11:43 AM.

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